Hey family. As we are all aware COVID-19 has reached New Zealand. These are uncertain and stressful times for all of us, so normality in times like these is something we will treasure. This Sunday we are making some changes to how we do church at MountainView while still be able to do church.
Our government has asked for local faith and community groups to not hold gathering of more than one hundred people. So in response to that our main service is being split into two services, one in the morning and one at night.
Our 10:30 AM service is for families with school aged children. Kids will be heading straight to Kids Church while adults will head towards the auditorium.
Our 6:30 PM service is for elderly, singles and couples without kids. No children at the evening service please.
This is for this Sunday. It may change over time. But we are very confident that this Sunday this is going ahead as we've specified.
When not to come:
Sometimes the best way to show love to one another to protect one another by being away. So in saying that if you have knowingly been in contact with people who have just arrived from overseas trips, or are feeling unwell, coughing, fever or other COVID19 symptoms. That is a moment to love your community and stay home. If you have underlying health conditions that place you at risk we also are asking that you be wise and consider whether attending is wise or not.
We are asking for we, as a community to be wise and to not be "stubborn in faith." We are very aware that God heals and protects yet we balance tension of "the here and not yet." Be blessed! Be wise! May the peace of God grow in our hearts as we approach these uncertain times.