Carl Butler of Fan the Flames Ministry will be at MountainView Vineyard, 1-5 August 2015. 

Carl was born in Hawera, New Zealand. He is the seventh child in a family of five boys and two girls. He received Jesus as his saviour at age seven. At sixteen he had an encounter with the Holy Ghost that transformed his life. Then after a powerful call to ministry in his early twenties, he determined to live his life to it’s full potential and committed himself to the fulfillment of his God given destiny. 
He consequently immigrated to Australia in 1988.  Early in 1997 God began to lead Carl into an itinerant ministry. Later that year, during a world trip, his life and ministry was greatly impacted by God at the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida, USA. Then with the fire of God burning in his heart and a powerful anointing upon his ministry, he began ‘Fan the Flame’ Ministries.  
He has a strong passion for the presence and power of God and is eager to bring people into a dynamic encounter with 
the Holy Ghost.  Being a man who imparts great faith in God's provision and healing power, Carl has seen God perform many exciting miracles. He is eager to see men and women saved, healed, free and filled with the Holy Ghost, Churches impacting their community, and God being Glorified. 

AuthorCorrina Sheed