Every year we collect Christmas treats from you, and the names of people who could do with a touch of love this Christmas from you, and put the two together - creating baskets of goodies for those who could do with that little something extra this Christmas.  

It's that time again and we are collecting  - both treats and names.

For any further information about this - email   office@mountainviewvineyard.org.

AuthorCorrina Sheed

Light Party was an amazing night - the weather was fantastic, the costumes were amazing and the 500 sausages were all gone in an hour. 

This year's theme of 'Disney Movie' resulted in some amazing costumes and the Disney themed games were all loads of fun.

Keep the date free for 2017 - 31 October is Party Night in Stratford!


AuthorCorrina Sheed

There's a new homegroup starting up, and it'll be a good one!

Peter and Yvonne Mestrom are running a group at their place on Wednesday nights, start time of 7.00pm. 



AuthorCorrina Sheed
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This year's family conference is all good to go, July 21-23, at Harbourside Church in Auckland. 

Booking information can be found on the Vineyard NZ website.  

vineyard conf.jpg
AuthorCorrina Sheed